Several colours and styles of custom foot orthotics.

Custom Foot Orthotics

OUR CUSTOM ORTHOTICS – Are made from a plaster cast (3 dimensional model of your foot) and from raw materials in our laboratory in Kitchener. A full, hands-on assessment is taken to decide on what specifications would suit your problems most appropriately and many adjustments to the appliances can be done on-site, while you wait.

SHOES AND MODIFICATIONS – Shoes are an important aspect of our mobility. At Foot by Foot, our trained staff educate you about the best shoes for your feet based on your needs and when shoes can’t provide enough to solve poor gait patterns, numerous modifications to your shoes can be utilized.

CUSTOM MADE SHOES – When medical grade shoes aren’t enough, our Certified Pedorthists can cast for custom made shoes to accommodate even the most difficult deformity.

Experienced Certified Pedorthist

Comprehensive Assessment - Mobility of lower extremity, biomechanical gait analysis and education regarding shoe recommendations

Casting - Wide variety of casting methods are utilized to capture a 3 dimensional model of the foot to produce a fully custom foot orthotic

Pick up appointment - Orthotics can be manufactured within 1-2 weeks from assessment date. During the pickup appointment, the orthotic will be properly fitted into your shoes and instructions will be given on how to wear and take care of the new orthotics.

Follow ups - Included in the original price, for a period of 12 months.

Adjustments - Included in the original price, for a period of 12 months.
